Scratch 3.0 - programming for kids and beginners

Scratch 3.0 - programmering for børn og andre begyndere

Scratch 3.0 is a free programming language and an online community for kids (and other beginners) where they can code and share interactive media such as stories, games, animations and much more with people from all over the world.

Scratch is translated into more than 40 languages including Danish. 

When kids use Scratch they learn to think creatively, work together and even work systematic.

Younger kids, kids who have a fear for technology or kids who have trouble with reading should start with the free app ScratchJr, which is a simplification of Scratch.

When you code with Scratch you move puzzle pieces around. There are different kind of pieces in different kind of colours. Each colour have a special characteristic that kids learn fast.

It is possible to combine the screen with different inputs and hardware like micro:bit, Makey Makey, LEGO Boost, Mindstorm and WeDo and more.

Demo in Danish - English version coming soon

Try it out

Scratch 3.0 exists in two versions:

Scratch online – go to

Scratch offline – get it here
(only for computers and Chromebooks)

Who is behind?

Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group ved MIT Media Lab. It is completely free.